The Suez Canal Bank has a long history, it has supported the Egyptian economy since its inception in 1978 during the rebuilding the national economy after the 6th of October war.
The Suez Canal Bank was founded in 1978 in Ismailia, a city in eastern Egypt, with authorized capital of 10 million Egyptian pounds and paid-in capital of EGP 2. 5 million. In 1982, the company offered its initial public offering on the Egyptian Exchange.
The bank succeeded in increasing its capital from EGP 2.5 million to EGP2.2 billion by the end of March 2021.
Suez Canal Bank has been providing customers with the best financial products and services. It also provides Shari'ah-compliant services and products to serve larger segment of customers. The Egyptian joint stock company offers reliable personal, corporate and Islamic banking through its 49 branches across the country, in addition to correspondents around the world and a representative office in Tripoli, Libya.
Furthermore, Suez Canal Bank became one of the first banks to obtain the Central Bank of Egypt's approval to be a primary arranger of treasury bills, government bonds, and custodians.
In addition, Suez Canal Bank was ranked as Egypt's number 1 private bank, came fifth among commercial banks and was among the top 100 banks operating in the Arab region. It has also received ratings from international agencies Fitch Rating and Thomson Financial Bank Watch.