Mohamed El-Etreby
Chairman of the Board of Directors
Years of Experience | 44
Mohamed El-Etreby is a prominent banker with more than 35 years of experience in the banking field before joining Banque Misr. Banque Misr is living in its considered a golden under the leadership of El Etreby; as he managed to lead the bank to a significant performance on both financial and marketing levels and succeeded in qualifying the bank to obtain a large market share in all branches of banking activity. In addition, it has become the widest spread in different governorates.
Career History
Mohamed El-Etreby Achievements
Best IT innovative Bank from The European magazine
Best Arab Bank in MENA in terms of profit before tax and rate of return on capital from the Banker International
Fastest growing in SMEs from m International Finance magazine
Best local bank in Middle East and North Adrica for BRI from AsiaMoney
Best SMEs bank in MENA from Wealth and Finance magazine
Best Provider of Short-Term Investments/ Money Market Funds in the Middle East 2022 by Global Finance magazine.