Average growth in Alex Bank indicators during Dante Campioni’s leadership

Alex Bank indicators experienced average growth during Dante Campioni’s leadership as CEO and Managing Director of the Bank since early 2015, up to the Bank's most recent financial statements available in March.
This was revealed by a new monitoring conducted by First Bank to monitor the evolution of Alex Bank indicators since Campioni assumed executive leadership. The bank's asset portfolio climbed to EGP 175.3 bn by the end of the first quarter of 2024, compared to EGP 47.5 bn by the end of 2015, with a growth of 269% and an increase of EGP 127.8 bn.
The Bank's customer deposit portfolio rose from EGP 37.6 bn by the end of 2015, to EGP 143.3 bn by the end of March 2024, with a growth of 281.6%, and an increase estimated at EGP 105.8 bn.
This rise was attributable to the growth of the Bank's corporate deposits by EGP 38.9 bn during the period under analysis, to reach EGP 44.7 bn by the end of March 2024, compared to EGP 5.8 bn by the end of 2015, with a growth of 670.9%.
The bank's retail deposits rose by 210.42%, to EGP 98.6 bn by the end of March 2024, compared to EGP 31.8 bn by the end of 2015, an increase of EGP 66.8 bn.
As for the bank's customer loans, they rose to EGP 68.9 bn by the end of March 2024, from EGP 27 bn by the end of 2015, with a growth of 154.94%, and an increase of EGP 41.88 bn.
This was as a result of an increase in corporate loans, which jumped from EGP 13.1 bn by the end of 2015, to EGP 39.9 bn by the end of the first quarter of this year, with a growth of 204.4% and an increase of EGP 26.8 bn.
In terms of the Bank's retail loans, they rose by about 108.3% during Dante Campioni’s leadership, until they got close to EGP 29 bn by the end of March 2024, up from EGP 13.9 bn by the end of 2015.
In terms of profits, its net profits exceeded EGP 5 bn in 2023, compared to EGP 1.4 bn in 2015, with growth of 260.06% and an increase of EGP 3.6 bn.
As for the bank's net profit in this year, it rose by 78.18% to exceed EGP 2 bn in the first quarter of 2024, compared to EGP 1.2 bn in the same period from 2023.
The Growth in the Bank's portfolios was not enough to increase its market shares as they witnessed collective declines, which was reflected in its share of the asset market falling to 0.98% of total banking assets by the end of March 2024, compared to 1.91% by the end of 2015.
Its share in the loans market also fell to 1% of total banking sector loans by the end of the first quarter of this year, compared to 3.4% by the end of 2015.
Its share in the deposit market also fell to 1.25% of total banking sector deposits by the end of March 2024, compared to 1.97% by the end of 2015.