ADCB offers unique Mobile banking service to its customers

Abu Dhabi Commercial Bank offers a lot of digital banking services that help customers complete all daily financial transactions with ease. ADCB Mobile App is one of the important services provided by the bank, which allows customers simple, secure and convenient way to access to their accounts and transact using only their smartphone.
First Bank goes through the key features og ADCB Mobile banking
-Access & Inquire about your accounts
-View & download Account Statement “E-Statement”
-Cash management feature
- Easy access to IBAN Inquiry
- The possibility of getting Loan Details
- The possibility of Issuing Term Deposit
-Issue Certificate of deposit
-Cheque status inquiry
- Easily Transfer between your accounts
-Transfer to another ADCB Account
-Transfer to a local Bank
-Transfer to International Bank
-Transfer from FCY to EGP
-perform multiple transfers once
-Credit card activation
-Credit card blocking
-Manage your ADCB-Credit card easily
-Credit card replacement request
-View credit card details
-Credit Card payment
-Apply for a new Credit card
-Apply for a new supplementary Credit card
-Change supplementary card limit
-Re-issue Cheque Book
-Exchange rates inquiry
To learn more about ADCB Egypt Mobile Banking, Visit its website