ABK-Egypt Bank is now part of Instant Payment Network ‘InstaPay’

Al Ahli Bank of Kuwait – Egypt (ABK-Egypt) has recently joined the InstaPay mobile application, which allow customers to process electronic fund transfers instantly, seamlessly and at any time, according to local press.
Abu Dhabi Islamic Bank – Egypt, HSBC, Faisal, Al Baraka, Egypt’s Export Development Bank, Attijariwafa Bank, Arab International Bank joined InstaPay over the past two months.
National Bank of Egypt, Banque Misr, Commercial International Bank, ALEXBANK, Qatar National Bank (QNB Al AHli), Arab Bank, Arab African Bank, Banque du Caire, Egyptian Gulf Bank, and the Arab Banking Corporation was among first 10 banks which joined InstaPay shortly after its launch.
Last March, CBE has announced the official launch of the national system for the real-time payment network and the InstaPay application for banking sector customers.