The Central Bank of Egypt revealed that Egypts external debt declined by 728 million during the first quarter

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External Debt Declined By $728 mn At Q1-FY22-23


The Central Bank of Egypt revealed that Egypt's external debt declined by $728 million during the first quarter of the fiscal year 2022/2023, to reach $154.98 billion at the end of last September, compared to $155.708 billion at the end of June 2022.

long-term external debt reached $127.572 billion, and short-term debt reached $27.408 billion by the end of September 2022.

The government's external debt reached $80.340 billion by the end of September 2022, distributed at the end of last September to long-term debts of $80.340 billion, while no debts due by the government appeared in the short term.

Balances of indebtedness on CBE recorded $41.145 billion, while balances of indebtedness on banks reached $18.297 billion at the end of last September.