NBE acquires 27.2% of the total Mortgage finance, EGP15.7 bn, during March 2023.

A recent report issued by Mortgage Finance Fund revealed that Mortgage finance granted by the National Bank of Egypt increased to EGP15.665 bn by the end of March 2023, provided to 135,061 thousand customers, so that the bank acquired 27.2% of the total financing.
Banque Misr granted Mortgage finance of EGP13.672 bn by the end of March 2023, provided to 113,541 thousand customers, the bank obtained 23.7% of the total Mortgage finance granted by banks.
It is worth noting that the total financing provided by banks rose to EGP57.670 bn by the end of March 2023, through 22 banks operating in the Egyptian banking sector.
the head of Mortgage finance fund, in exclusive statements to First Bank website, indicated that clients benefiting from Mortgage finance in banks reached 499.36 thousand clients, which is close to 96% of the total clients who benefited from Mortgage finance during the past month.