CBE: Balance of Payments achieves a surplus of $4.1 bn during 9M of 2023/2024
First Bank
Central Bank of Egypt revealed that the transactions of the Egyptian economy with the external world recorded an increase in the overall Balance of Payments surplus to register $ 4.1 bn, as the period January/March 2024 witnessed an overall surplus of $ 4.5 bn, on the back of the corrective measures taken on the 6th of March 2024.
These measures reflected positively on the capital and financial account which recorded a net inflow of $ 20.0 bn in July/March 2023/2024, which was attributed to an unprecedented hike in net FDI to hit $ 23.7 bn compared to $18.2 bn was achieved in the period of January/March 2024), and the shift in portfolio investments in Egypt to a net inflow of $ 14.6 bn (mainly in January/March 2024).
On the other hand, the current account deficit widened to record $ 17.1 bn against $ 5.3 bn.