First Bank List Of Fastest-Growing Banks In Net Fees And Commissions Income during H1 of this year 2024 Reveal

Net fees And Commissions Income

EGBANK, saib, and AlBaraka, Fastest growing listed banks in net fees and commissions income in H1-2024


First Bank List Of Fastest-Growing listed Banks In Net Fees And Commissions Income during H1 of this year 2024 Revealed That Egyptian Gulf Bank Topped The List With A Growth Rate Of 197.87%, Reaching Approximately EGP 650.8 mn In H1-2024, Compared To EGP 218.5 Mn In 2023.

The List, Comprising 10 Banks Listed On The Egyptian Stock Exchange, Disclosed That 8 Banks Achieved Positive Growth Rates In Net Fees And Commissions Income while 2 Banks declined during the period under analysis. Faisal Islamic Bank Was Absent From The List For Not Disclosing Net Fees And Commissions Income. saib Secured The Second Position With A Growth Rate Of 103.61%, Achieving A Net Income Of About EGP 547.9 Mn during H1-2024, Compared To EGP 269.1 Mn In H1-2023. 

AlBaraka Came In Third Place, With A Growth Rate Of 56.94%, Recording Approximately EGP 317.8  Mn In Net Fees And Commissions Income In H1-2024, Compared To EGP 202.5 Mn during the same period In 2023.

Commercial International Bank Ranked Fourth, Achieving A Growth Rate Of 33.27%, Recording EGP 3.400 Bn In Net Fees And Commissions Income In H1-2024, Compared To EGP 2.551 bn In H1-2023.

QNB Secured The Fifth Position, With A Growth Rate Of 31.98% In Net Fees And Commissions Income, Reaching Approximately EGP 2.632 bn In H1-2024, Compared To EGP 1.995 bn during the same period 2023, followed by HD Bank with a growth rate of 26.85% during the same period.

It’s Worth Noting That All The Mentioned Values And Growth Rates In The Analysis Above Are Based On Separate Financial Statements Announced By Each Bank by the end of June 2024.

fastest growing listed banks in Net Fees and Commissions Income during H1-2024

# Bank Name Net Fees and Commissions Income during H1-2024 Net Fees and Commissions Income during H1-2023 growth Rate%
650.781 Million pounds 218.48 Million pounds 197.87 %
547.944 Million pounds 269.117 Million pounds 103.61 %
3 alBaraka Bank Egypt
alBaraka Bank Egypt
317.83 Million pounds 202.52 Million pounds 56.94 %
4 Commercial International Bank-CIB
Commercial International Bank-CIB
3.4 Billion pounds 2.551 billion pounds 33.27 %
5 Qatar National Bank-QNB
Qatar National Bank-QNB
2.632 Billion pounds 1.995 Billion pounds 31.98 %
6 Housing and Development Bank-HDB
Housing and Development Bank-HDB
418.285 Million pounds 329.742 Million pounds 26.85 %
7 Export Development Bank of Egypt-EBank
Export Development Bank of Egypt-EBank
834.244 Million pounds 691.803 Million pounds 20.95 %
8 Abu Dhabi Islamic Bank-ADIB Egypt
Abu Dhabi Islamic Bank-ADIB Egypt
939.101 Million pounds 821.531 Million pounds 14.31 %
9 Suez Canal Bank
Suez Canal Bank
388.244 Million pounds 391.394 Million pounds -0.8 %
10 Credit Agricole Egypt
Credit Agricole Egypt
677.213 Million pounds 835.705 Million pounds -18.97 %