First Bank List Of The Most Efficient Banks In Terms Of Return On Average Equity ROE Revealed That Housing And

Egyptian Stock Exchange,First Bank list,Return on Average Equity,financial statements

HD Bank, ADIB Egypt, and CIB: Top listed banks in ROE during H1-2024


First Bank List Of The Most Efficient listed Banks In Terms Of Return On Average Equity (ROE) Revealed That Housing And Development Bank-HD Bank Topped The List With A Rate Of 30.77%, After Achieving A Net Profit Of EGP 5.158 Bn During the first half of 2024.

The List, Including 11 Banks Listed On The Egyptian Stock Exchange, Showed All Banks Achieving Positive Rates In Return On Average Equity, Reflecting Their Success In Varying Profit Levels And No Losses During The Financial Period From January To June 2024.

ROE Indicates Banks’ Ability To Invest Shareholders’ Equity To Achieve Suitable Profit Levels During The Analysis Period, With Higher Returns Indicating The Banks’ Efficiency In Investing Their Shares To Achieve Appropriate Profit Levels.

Abu Dhabi Islamic Bank – Egypt (ADIB) Secured the Second Position With A Return On Average Equity Of 28.15%, Having Earned A Net Profit Of EGP 4.491 Bn during the first Half of 2024.

CIB and Credit Agricole Egypt secured the third position. Both banks achieved a return on average equity of 26.55%, with CIB earning a net profit of EGP 27.683 Bn during the first half of 2024 and Credit Agricole earning a net profit of EGP 4.198Bn during the same period of 2024.

Faisal Bank Claimed the Fourth Position with A Return On Average Equity Of 22.66%, Having Achieved A Net Profit Of EGP 6.552 Bn during the first half of 2024.

Suez Canal Bank Took the Fifth Position With A Return On Average Equity Of 20.56%, Having Achieved A Net Profit Of EGP 1.808Bn during the first 6 months of the current year.

It’s Worth Noting That All The Values And Return Rates Mentioned In The Analysis Are Based On Separate Financial Statements Declared By Each Bank At The End Of June 2024.

Top listed banks in Return on Average Equity (ROE) during H1-2024

# Bank Name Net profits Return on Average Equity (ROE)
1 Housing and Development Bank-HDB
Housing and Development Bank-HDB
5.158 Billion pounds 30.77 %
2 Abu Dhabi Islamic Bank-ADIB Egypt
Abu Dhabi Islamic Bank-ADIB Egypt
4.491 Billion pounds 28.15 %
3 Commercial International Bank-CIB
Commercial International Bank-CIB
27.683 Billion pounds 26.55 %
4 Credit Agricole Egypt
Credit Agricole Egypt
4.198 Billion pounds 26.55 %
5 Faisal Islamic Bank of Egypt
Faisal Islamic Bank of Egypt
6.552 Billion pounds 22.66 %
6 Suez Canal Bank
Suez Canal Bank
1.807 Billion pounds 20.56 %
7 Qatar National Bank-QNB
Qatar National Bank-QNB
13.303 Billion pounds 19.06 %
8 Export Development Bank of Egypt-EBank
Export Development Bank of Egypt-EBank
2.316 Billion pounds 15.67 %
1.233 Billion pounds 15.47 %
10 alBaraka Bank Egypt
alBaraka Bank Egypt
1.336 Billion pounds 13.03 %
986 Million pounds 3.37 %