ADIB continues to top the fastest growing listed banks in customer loans after exchange rate Neutralization wi

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ADIB, saib, and EGBANK the fastest growing listed banks in customer loans after exchange rate Neutralization


ADIB continues to top the fastest growing listed banks in customer loans after exchange rate Neutralization with a growth rate of 23.52% during H1-2024 saib rose to second position with a growth rate of 16.23% after exchange rate Neutralization, EGBANK ranked third with a growth rate of 12.52% HD Bank and CIB ranked fourth and fifth with growth rates of 10.20%, 9.31% respectively

First Bank list of the fastest growing listed Banks in customer loans after exchange rate neutralization during H1 of this year revealed that ADIB topped the list with a growth rate after exchange rate neutralization 23.52%, recording the size of its customer loans portfolio equivalent to EGP  90.76 bn by the end of June 2024. 

This ranking shows the real growth of the listed Banks’ customer loans portfolios, especially after the fall in the value of the Egyptian pound against foreign currencies in the light of the reform decisions of the Central Bank of Egypt, which resulted in a rise in the exchange rate of the dollar from EGP 30.93 by the end of December 2023 to EGP 48.08 by the end of June 2024.

First Bank list of the fastest growing listed Banks in customer loans after exchange rate neutralization revealed the volume of customer loans of 11 Banks operating in the Egyptian banking sector, for which financial statements were available by the end of June 2024. The list revealed 9 Banks achieved positive growth rates in the volume of their customer loans after exchange rate neutralization during H1 of this year, while 2 Banks experienced a decline in the volume of its portfolio during the same period of the current year. 

Returning to the list, saib ranked second after exchange rate neutralization by 16.23% in H1 of this year, after registering the volume of its customer loans portfolio at EGP 61.43 bn by the end of June 2024.

   EGBANK was third, after the volume of its customer loans rose at a rate of growth after exchange rate neutralization reached 12.52% in H1 of this year, registering EGP 41.85bn by the end of June 2024.  

As for the fourth position, HD Bank received a growth rate after exchange rate neutralization of 10.20% during H1 of this year, after its customer loans portfolio amounted to EGP 50.76bn by the end of June 2024.

  CIB held fifth place after exchange rate neutralization by 9.3% during H1 of this year, with its customer loans portfolio recorded EGP 329.45 bn by the end of June 2024.  It should be noted that all the above values and growth rates according to the separate financial statements announced to each bank by the end of June 2024, and to view First Bank list of the fastest growing listed banks in customer loans before exchange rate neutralization, click her

fastest growing listed banks in customer loans after exchange rate Neutralization

# Bank Name total loans At H1-2024 growth rate after exchange rate Neutralization
1 Abu Dhabi Islamic Bank-ADIB Egypt
Abu Dhabi Islamic Bank-ADIB Egypt
90.757 Billion pounds 21.52 %
61.427 Billion pounds 16.23 %
41.852 Billion pounds 12.52 %
4 Housing and Development Bank-HDB
Housing and Development Bank-HDB
50.763 Billion pounds 10.2 %
5 Commercial International Bank-CIB
Commercial International Bank-CIB
329.452 Billion pounds 9.31 %
6 Credit Agricole Egypt
Credit Agricole Egypt
49.048 Billion pounds 6.66 %
7 Qatar National Bank-QNB
Qatar National Bank-QNB
322.522 Billion pounds 5.3 %
8 alBaraka Bank Egypt
alBaraka Bank Egypt
49.805 Billion pounds 5.17 %
9 Export Development Bank of Egypt-EBank
Export Development Bank of Egypt-EBank
62.72 Billion pounds 2.31 %
10 Suez Canal Bank
Suez Canal Bank
42.073 Billion pounds -3.96 %
11 Faisal Islamic Bank of Egypt
Faisal Islamic Bank of Egypt
17.205 Billion pounds -5.64 %