Banque Misr's market shares Performance during the last 3 years

In a highly competitive banking view, Banque Misr faces a strategic challenge as its market shares have declined markedly over the past three years, especially since this decline has not been limited to a single area, but has extended to the length of all its key indicators. What is the magnitude of these losses, and how has they been distributed across different market sectors?
According to the bank's separate financial statements, its share in the asset market fell to 16.25% of total banking assets by the end of September 2024, compared to 18.35% by the end of 2021, losing about 2.09% of its share in the market.
In the deposit market, its share fell to 18.13% of total banking sector deposits by the end of September 2024, compared to 19.13% by the end of 2021, losing about 1% of its total share.
Regarding financial investments, Banque Misr's share fell to 12.34% of total investments (securities) in the banking sector by the end of September 2024, compared to 14.97% by the end of 2021, representing a loss of 2.63% of its share in this market.
The finance market was not spared from the declines in Banque Misr, where it was the largest market in terms of volume of loss, with its share falling to 16.43% of total banking sector loans by the end of September 2024, compared to 20.01% by the end of 2021, losing 3.58% of its share in the market.
Its share in the retail banking finance market also fell to 12.18% of total retail loans in the banking sector as a whole by the end of September 2024, compared to 13.61% by the end of 2021.
Despite these declines, Banque Misr has retained its position as the second largest bank in the Egyptian banking sector, far behind its closest competitors. However, this decline warns of the need to review its strategies to keep pace with the market's rapid transformations, so as to ensure its continued historical leadership in the market.