Personal Loan Departments Most Contributing to Bank Finance Portfolios in Alex Bank, Banque du caire and ABK Egypt, At the forefront

Alex Bank was among the first among Egyptian banks most focused into personal loans, with a rate of 46.82%, Followed by Banque Du Caire
Ahli Bank of Kuwait-Egypt continues its outstanding performance, ranked third among most focused banks in personal loans, with a rate of 35.36% at 9M-22, followed by EGBANK with a rate of 31.04%.
ADCB-Egypt, Housing Bank occupy fifth and sixth positions with rates of 26.06% and 25.18%, respectively.
Alex Bank topped First Bank list of most focused banks into personal loans during the first 9 months of 2022.
It’s personal loans portfolio acquired 46.82% of its total loans portfolio which recorded EGP 57.5 billion the personal loan portfolio recorded about EGP 26.9 billion by the end of the same period.
First Bank made up list for most focused in personal loans during 9 Months:
The First Bank conducted a list for 22 most focused banks on investing in personal loans. The list went through the investment trends of banks operating in Egypt with available financial statements for the period under analysis specifically on the level of total personal loans portfolio. The measure is based on personal loans to total customer loans ratio, to give an indication of the extent to which the bank’s loans portfolio is concentrated into personal loans.
Banque du Caire came second on the list after its personal loan portfolio acquired 36.12% of the total loans to customers. The bank’s personal loans recorded about EGP44.7 billion while its total customer loans portfolio recorded EGP123.8 billion by the end of September 2022.
Yet, ABK-Egypt came third on the list after its personal loan portfolio acquired 35.36% of the total loans to customers. The bank’s total customer loans recorded about EGP 31.7 billion while its personal loans portfolio recorded EGP11.2 billion at 9M-22
EG-Bank was in the fourth place on the list followed by ADCB-Egypt
In addition, EG-Bank was in fourth place on the list as 31.04% of the bank’s total customer loans were concentrated in the personal loan portfolio during the first 9 months of 2022. Its customer loan portfolio recorded EGP 27.03 billion, while personal loans amounted to about EGP 8.4 billion.
ADCB-Egypt came in fifth place, after its personal loan portfolio acquired 26.06% of the total loans to customers
The bank’s total customer loans amounted to about EGP 30.1 billion while the personal loans portfolio amounted to EGP7.8 billion.
However, Housing and Development Bank came in sixth place, after its personal loan portfolio acquired 25.18% of the total loans to customers
The bank’s total customer loans amounted to about EGP 34.3 billion while the personal loans portfolio amounted to EGP8.6 billion.
However, Emirates NBD came in seventh place, after its personal loan portfolio acquired 25.01% of the total loans to customers at 9M-22. It was followed by Credit Agricole in eighth place, after its personal loan portfolio acquired 23.89% of the total loans to customers.
Meanwhile, Abu Dhabi Islamic Bank-Egypt came in ninth place, after its personal loan portfolio acquired 23.44% of the total loans to customers at 9M-22. It was followed by aiBank which ranked the tenth on the list after its personal loan portfolio acquired 19.54% of the total loans to customers
• All figures in the list are in accordance with the independent financial statements announced for each bank.
The most focused banks on personal loans by the end of September 2022
# | Bank Name | Personal loans at-Sep-end-22 | customer loans at-Sep-end-22 | focuseing rate |
1 |
Bank of Alexandria-Alex Bank![]() |
26.918 Billion Pounds | 57.496 Billion Pounds | 46.82 % |
2 |
Banque Du Caire-BDC![]() |
44.724 Billion Pounds | 123.836 Billion Pounds | 36.12 % |
3 |
Al Ahli Bank of Kuwait Egypt -ABK Egypt![]() |
11.2 Billion Pounds | 31.676 Billion Pounds | 35.36 % |
4 |
EGBANK![]() |
8.391 Billion Pounds | 27.032 Billion Pounds | 31.04 % |
5 |
Abu Dhabi Commercial Bank Egypt- ADCB![]() |
7.844 Billion Pounds | 30.097 Billion Pounds | 26.06 % |
6 |
Housing and Development Bank-HDB![]() |
8.632 Billion Pounds | 34.281 Billion Pounds | 25.18 % |
7 |
Emirates NBD Egypt![]() |
11.256 Billion Pounds | 45.002 Billion Pounds | 25.01 % |
8 |
Credit Agricole Egypt![]() |
8.314 Billion Pounds | 34.795 Billion Pounds | 23.89 % |
9 |
Abu Dhabi Islamic Bank-ADIB Egypt![]() |
13.463 Billion Pounds | 57.435 Billion Pounds | 23.44 % |
10 |
BANK NXT![]() |
4.047 Billion Pounds | 20.71 Billion Pounds | 19.54 % |
11 |
Commercial International Bank-CIB![]() |
38 Billion Pounds | 197.972 Billion Pounds | 19.19 % |
12 |
Attijariwafa Bank Egypt![]() |
5.64 Billion Pounds | 29.671 Billion Pounds | 19.01 % |
13 |
SAIB BANK![]() |
7.462 Billion Pounds | 41.279 Billion Pounds | 18.08 % |
14 |
Qatar National Bank-QNB ![]() |
33.265 Billion Pounds | 215.627 Billion Pounds | 15.43 % |
15 |
National Bank of Egypt-NBE![]() |
169.107 Billion Pounds | 1460.146 Billion Pounds | 11.58 % |
16 |
Banque Misr![]() |
73.057 Billion Pounds | 671.818 Billion Pounds | 10.87 % |
17 |
alBaraka Bank Egypt![]() |
3.286 Billion Pounds | 31.228 Billion Pounds | 10.52 % |
18 |
Export Development Bank of Egypt-EBank![]() |
3.652 Billion Pounds | 43.805 Billion Pounds | 8.34 % |
19 |
Suez Canal Bank![]() |
2.458 Billion Pounds | 30.126 Billion Pounds | 8.16 % |
20 |
arab african international bank![]() |
7.274 Billion Pounds | 108.222 Billion Pounds | 6.72 % |
21 |
Al Ahli united bank Egypt![]() |
1.914 Billion Pounds | 50.525 Billion Pounds | 3.79 % |
22 |
Faisal Islamic Bank of Egypt![]() |
0.214 Billion Pounds | 14.054 Billion Pounds | 1.52 % |