Climate change considered as the greatest threat to health, which is evident through diseases associated with

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Climate Change's Major negative effects on health


Climate change considered as the greatest threat to health, which is evident through diseases associated with climate change, the most prominent of which are respiratory and heart diseases, as the poor air quality and the increase in pollutants resulting from climate changes affect the human respiratory and circulatory system, which leads to diseases.

Respiratory diseases, such as asthma and allergies, and also increase heart problems in groups most at risk, such as those with chronic diseases and the elderly.

In addition to climate-sensitive diseases such as malaria, Dengue (break-bone fever), and other diseases transmitted by disease vectors such as mosquitoes; Climate changes have caused a change in the natural environment and the locations of these vectors.

In addition to heat exhaustion, as an extreme rise in temperatures may lead to heat exhaustion with its various complications, which may cause death if it is not dealt with urgently, especially among groups most at risk such as the elderly and children, as It may also reduce an individual's productivity.

The effects of climate change also extend to mental health, which has been proven by many studies, which found that extreme high or low temperatures and the change in air quality negatively affect the mental health of individuals, which in turn affects their personal and social lives.

It also extends to food security, as the world has witnessed terrifying developments with regard to the quality and quantity of crops and agricultural production, which reflects negatively on the availability of food in general, and healthy food in particular, specifically among the poorest groups, as healthy food is an integral part to human health, especially  children in their early stages of formation, pregnant and lactating women, and the elderly.

Also, climatic changes, the successive changes in temperature, pose a great threat to the safety of food circulated among individuals in its various stages, due to the accelerated growth of microorganisms that cause a large number of infectious diseases because of temperatures, such as food poisoning.

In a recent report, the World Health Organization predicted that climate change, from 2030 to 2050, would cause about 250,000 deaths each year due to malnutrition, malaria, Diarrhea and heat stress.