First Bank list of the most customer loan-focused listed banks by the end of last March revealed that Export D

Abu Dhabi Islamic bank,total assets,Listed Banks,customer loans,Focusing on Customer Loans

EBank, ADIB Egypt, and QNB Al Ahli Top Listed Banks in Focusing on Customer Loans by March-2023end


First Bank list of the most customer loan-focused listed banks by the end of last March revealed that Export Development Bank of Egypt topped the list by 48.84% of its assets were concentrated in the net customer loan portfolio, which amounted to EGP50.628 bn by the end of March 2023. The bank's total assets reached EGP103.666 bn by the end of the same period this year.

First Bank list also disclosed the investment trends of listed banks on the Egyptian Stock Exchange, specifically regarding the net customer loan level. It relies on the criterion of net customer loans divided by total assets to provide an indicator of the bank's asset concentration in the customer loan category.

Abu Dhabi Islamic Bank - Egypt secured the second position, with its net customer loans accounting for 48.76% of the bank's total assets. The net customer loan portfolio recorded EGP60.630 bn, while the bank's total assets reached EGP124.333 bn by the end of March 2023.

QNB Al Ahli ranked third, with 45.09% of its total assets concentrated in the net customer loan portfolio by the end of last March. Its net customer loan portfolio amounted to EGP233.325 bn, and the total asset portfolio reached EGP517.436 bn by the end of March 2023.

saib claimed the fourth position, with 41.26% of its total assets concentrated in the net customer loan portfolio by the end of the first quarter of this year. The net customer loans of the bank amounted to EGP 43.255 bn, while its total assets reached EGP104.837 bn by the end of March 2023.

Crédit Agricole - Egypt ranked fifth, with  40.38% of its total assets concentrated in the net customer loan portfolio. The net customer loans amounted to EGP 34.342 bn by the end of March 2023, while its total assets reached EGP85.042 bn. Suez Canal bank and alBaraka followed in the sixth and seventh positions, respectively, with concentration ratios of 37.88% and 36.10% by the end of the same period.

It is worth noting that all the values and concentration ratios mentioned in the analysis above are based on separate announced financial statements of each bank by the end of March 2023.

listed banks in focusing on customer loans by March-2023end

# Bank Name Net customer loans at the end of March -23 Assets by the end of March- 23 focusing ratio%
1 Export Development Bank of Egypt-EBank
Export Development Bank of Egypt-EBank
50.628 Billion pounds 103.666 Billion pounds 48.84 %
2 Abu Dhabi Islamic Bank-ADIB Egypt
Abu Dhabi Islamic Bank-ADIB Egypt
60.63 Billion pounds 124.333 Billion pounds 48.76 %
3 Qatar National Bank-QNB
Qatar National Bank-QNB
233.325 Billion pounds 517.436 Billion pounds 45.09 %
43.255 Billion pounds 104.837 Billion pounds 41.26 %
5 Credit Agricole Egypt
Credit Agricole Egypt
34.342 Billion pounds 85.042 Billion pounds 40.38 %
6 Suez Canal Bank
Suez Canal Bank
33.31 Billion pounds 87.925 Billion pounds 37.88 %
7 alBaraka Bank Egypt
alBaraka Bank Egypt
33.681 Billion pounds 93.301 Billion pounds 36.1 %
8 Commercial International Bank-CIB
Commercial International Bank-CIB
212.027 Billion pounds 684.196 Billion pounds 30.99 %
9 Housing and Development Bank-HDB
Housing and Development Bank-HDB
35.92 Billion pounds 116.934 Billion pounds 30.89 %
29.313 Billion pounds 99.934 Billion pounds 29.33 %
11 Faisal Islamic Bank of Egypt
Faisal Islamic Bank of Egypt
13.157 Billion pounds 166.059 Billion pounds 7.92 %