If you are a customer of Saib, you want to activate the Saib Token app, which is responsible for confirming th

saib,Mobile Banking,Google Play

How to activate Saib Token app to complete your financial transactions

saib  FirstBank

If you are a customer of Saib, you want to activate the Saib Token app, which is responsible for confirming the transactions provided by the online Banking Service by creating a PIN for each transaction and the transaction cannot be completed without it. First Bank website shows you the steps to follow below:

1. Download saib token on your mobile device from Apple Store or Google Play.

2. Activate saib token by login to your Internet / Mobile Banking using your account (Username & Password).

3. Scan the QR code using Saib Token.

4. Set your PIN to enable you generation of OTP.

5. So it's activated and you can use it to create a one-time password.