The First Bank list of the fastest growing banks in net interest income during the first 9 months of last year

aiBANK,HDB,AAIB,E-bank,ADCB-Egypt,net interest income

aiBANK, E-Bank, AAIB, ADCB-Egypt, HDB are fastest growing banks in net interest income at 9M-22


The “First Bank” list of the fastest growing banks in terms of net interest income during the first 9 months of last year revealed that the Arab Investment Bank-aiBank topped the list, after its net interest income increased by 62.90%, to record 1.282 billion pounds at 9M-22, compared to 787 million pounds during the same period from 2021.

The list revealed that 20 of the banks under analysis achieved positive growth rates in their net interest income portfolio, while one bank recorded a decline during the first 9 months of last year.

Furthermore, The Export Development Bank of Egypt occupied the second place with a growth rate of 53.96%, to record 2.080 billion pounds during the first 9 months of last year, compared to 1.351 billion during the first 9 months of 2021.

The Arab African International Bank-AAIB came in third place, after its net interest income increased by 49.25%, to record 5.843 billion pounds during the first 9 months of 2022, compared to 3.915 billion during the same period in 2021.

Abu Dhabi Commercial Bank -ADCB Egypt ranked fourth. Thus, it jumped by 47.56%, to record 1.877 billion pounds during the first 9 months of 2022, compared to 1.272 billion during the first 9 months of the previous year.

As for the fifth place, the Housing and Development Bank (HDB) achieved a growth rate of 39.05%, to record 3.408 billion pounds during the first 9 months of 2022, compared to 2.451 billion during the same period of 2021.

Ahli United Bank came sixth, with a growth rate of 38.90%, to record 2.103 billion pounds during the first 9 months of 2022, compared to 1.514 billion during the same period of 2021, followed by Banque Misr with a growth rate of 34.26% during the same period.

Abu Dhabi Islamic Bank Egypt-ADIB Egypt came in eighth place, with a growth rate of 33.58%, to record 3.377 billion pounds during the first 9 months of 2022, compared to 2.528 billion during the first 9 months of 2021, followed by «saib» and «Emirates NBD-Egypt», with growth rates of 31.35% and 27.66% during the same period.

The growth of net interest income at Egyptian banks in 9M