The Central Bank of Egypt revealed, in a statement issued a short while ago on its official website, that the

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CBE: Egypt’s annual core inflation rate fell to 39.5% by the end of March 2023


The Central Bank of Egypt revealed, in a statement issued a short while ago on its official website, that the annual core inflation rate had increased, to record 39.5% in March 2023, compared to 40.3% at the end of February 2023.

CBE added, in its statement, that the consumer price index recorded a monthly rate of 2.5% in March 2023, compared to a monthly rate of 8.1% in February, and a monthly rate of 3.1% in March 2022.

CAPMAS announced, in a statement issued today, that the annual inflation rate was recorded at 33.9% for March 2023, compared to 12.1% for the same month of the previous year.

The statement indicated that the monthly inflation rate increased by 3.2% during  March, as the general index of consumer prices reached 166.5 points for March 2023, recording an increase of 3.2% compared to February 2023.