HD Bank top Listed Banks in Capital Adequacy ratio by the end of 2023
Mai El-Kafoury

Housing and Development Bank topped First Bank list of the best listed banks in the capital adequacy ratio by the end of last year, after its capital adequacy ratio registered 26.31% by the end of 2023, after rising from the fourth position in 2022 on the same list.
This reflects the bank’s strong ability to meet its commitments and face any potential future losses. In general, HDB has good financial safety indicators. The leverage ratio, which reflects the relationship between the first tier of capital used in the capital adequacy ratio (after deductions), and the Bank's risk weighted assets and contingent liabilities (both inside and outside the financial position), amounted to 9.84% risk weights by the end of 2023, exceeding the regulatory limit set by the Central Bank of Egypt of 3% according to Basel.
Overall, HDB recorded strong growth in its main indicators, with net profits jumping by 167.3% over the past year, to EGP 6 bn in 2023, compared to EGP 2.3 bn in 2022, with an increase of EGP 3.8 bn.
Net interest income rose to EGP 10.5 bn in 2023, compared to EGP 5 bn in 2022, with growth of 113% and an increase of EGP 5.5 bn.
Net fees and commissions income rose by 25.27% over the past year, to EGP 704.4 mn in 2023, compared to EGP 562.3 mn in 2022.
In terms of the bank's financial position, its assets portfolio rose by 20.72% over the past year, registering EGP 125.1 bn by the end of December 2023, compared to EGP 103.6 bn by the end of 2022.
Total customer loans of the Bank grew by EGP 7.3 bn, to EGP 45.5 bn by the end of last year, compared to EGP 38.2 bn by the end of 2022.
The customer deposit portfolio jumped from EGP 89.5 bn by the end of 2022, to EGP 101.3 bn by the end of 2023, with a growth of 13 .17% and an increase of EGP 11.8 bn.
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