Get to know currency exchange services From Egypt's housing bank

Housing and Development Bank provides the service of Instant exchange of foreign currencies. The bank provides 24/7 currency exchange service for its Egyptian and foreign customers.
First Bank lists the advantages of Financial Transactions Room Services from HDB:
The bank provides a 24/7 currency exchange service Hours in bank branches and also through the number of ATMs in the regions Tourist cities buy and sell foreign currencies against the Egyptian pound and other foreign currencies at competitive prices within two working days from the date of transaction
• Instant exchange of foreign currencies.
• Instant exchange of foreign currencies at any time and from any ATM.
• Exchanging foreign currencies from any of the bank's branches.
• Get competitive prices for buying and selling foreign currencies within two working days from the date of the transaction.
• Buying and selling foreign currencies on a pre-determined future date at agreed prices.
• Exchanging currency without being exposed to the risks of foreign exchange rates fluctuations.
• Combining in currency exchange between instant and future exchange.
To learn more about currency exchange services, you can visit the Housing and Development Bank website, by clicking here.