Egypt’s housing bank doubles its corporates loans portfolio over 3 years
First Bank

Egypt’s state-run Housing and Development Bank (HD Bank) corporates loans portfolio witnessed a significant development over the course of three years whereas it jumped by 78.68 % to record EGP 12.68 billion Egyptian pounds by the end the first half of 2021 compared to 7.1 Egyptian pounds by the end of 2018.
Upon analysis, HDB’s corporates loans portfolio during has witnessed the highest growth rate and the highest value during last year; it jumped by 36.72% to record 10.49 billion pounds at the end of 2021, compared to 7.67 billion pounds at the end of 2020 with an increase of 2.82 billion pounds.
Thus, HDB has topped the list of fastest growing listed banks in corporates loans during 2021 which was conducted by First Bank.
However, the bank has maintained its outstanding performance during 2022, as its corporates loans portfolio jumped by about 20.9%, to record 12.68 billion pounds during H1, compared to EGP 10.49 billion by the end of 2021 with an increase of EGP 2.2 billion.
In addition, corporates loans portfolio accounted for about 40.52% of the bank’s total loans portfolio at the end of last June. The percentage was noted to decline during the analyzed period as it constituted 45.25% at the end of 2018.
Meanwhile, individual loans constituted about 59.47% of the bank’s total loans portfolio at the end of last June, compared to 54.75% at the end of 2018
It is noteworthy that the bank’s total loan portfolio over the past 3 years jumped by 99.52%, from 15.687 billion pounds at the end of 2018, to 31.298 billion pounds at the end of June 2022.