SC Bank's retail loans jump 557% over last 5 years
Mai El-Kafoury

Suez Canal Bank has been able to achieve record growth in the size of its retail loan portfolio over the last 5 years after jumping at a 556.71% growth rate with an increase of 4.23 billion pounds, registering 5.07 billion pounds by the end of September 2024, compared to 772.2 million pounds by the end of December 2019.
Tracking the growth of the portfolio over the period under analysis, Suez Canal Bank achieved the highest growth rate in retail loans in 2020 by 56.54% year-on-year and an increase of 436.6 million pounds, after the value of the bank's retail loans moved from 772.2 million pounds by the end of December 2019, rising to 1.21 billion pounds by the end of December 2020.
The Bank saw the second highest growth rate in total individual loans in 2022 by 54.05% year-on-year, after the portfolio volume moved from 1.79 billion pounds by the end of December 2021, reaching 2.76 billion pounds by the end of December 2022, with an increase of 967.3 million pounds.