NBE offers a unique experience to more than 1 million users through Phone Cash wallet

NBE's role as one of the most important financial institutions in Egypt stands out in providing a unique experience for customers through its advanced digital services, which aims to facilitate the management of financial transactions and achieve customer satisfaction through smart applications and secure, easy and fast electronic services.
Phone Cash banking wallet is one of the Bank's most prominent tools to enhance the user experience. The Bank provides services such as connecting/deleting your various e-payment cards issued by the Bank from the "My Wallet" page, automating the wallet without the need to refer to the call center, showing the wallet balance available on the main screen of the app, showing the last 5 recent transactions from the wallet on the main screen of the app.
The wallet also allows you to notify the transfers received on the wallet as well as any other notifications, receipt of external e-remittances only in pounds for 24/7 on the wallet, cancellation of subscription to the AhliPhone Cash wallet service, Request the e-statement and send it to email in PDF for wallet transactions for 6 months prior Access to various service expenses as well as enquiry about the location of Fori outlets.
The app offers all these services to more than 1 million users on the "Play store" with a valuation of 3.9 out of 5 through 26 thousand users of the app.
On Apple's App store, the app received a high rating of 3.2 out of 5 through 1.7 thousand users of the mobile banking app.
at the user level; The users praised the diversity of services and the ease and speed of their completion. She said that Mr. Al-Bandari's hope was "a user-friendly and time-saving app," as Fatima Al-Bandari emphasized, "I liked the app very much, it is very useful and fast."
A lot of user feedback praised the quality and speed of the services provided through it as Ali stated "Good to pay as well as good to actually transfer money I like because I make everything from my home," Nshui said in a speech "Very good and easy to pay every need."
Some comments were made about the requirement that the line be enlarged by application, with Mina Zakaria saying, "hope the size of the line is greater, especially since all transactions are numbers and must be clear."
The bank explained how to register in the banking portfolio app where the bank offers more than one way to register through the website through simple steps: Enter the national number and mobile number registered with the bank until the order is received successfully, then the system will verify the data and send the verification code on your mobile phone. Enter the verification code and the system will verify the authenticity of the code, enter the mobile number registered in the client's name. Your request will be registered on the system and will be registered immediately after the application loading link is sent.
Through our branches, visit the nearest bank branch. To satisfy the request for subscription to the service, the bank employee will record your data on the system You will receive a text message on your phone with the app link. Download the app will show the service activation message at the bottom of the screen. enter the name, mobile number, national number and the system will automatically send the activation code on your mobile phone, Enter the activation code and agree to the terms and conditions, then select a new PIN number of 6 digits (M-PIN) that will be used in all transactions through the app.