Export Development Bank of Egypt witnessed a leap in its resources employment rate by 86.9% at the end of 2022

financial investments,Total loans,Export Development Bank,traditional resources

EBank’s resources employment rate jumps by 86.9% At 2022


Export Development Bank of Egypt witnessed a leap in its resources employment rate by 86.9% at the end of 2022, compared to 77.1% at the end of 2021.

The resources employment indicator, launched by First Bank, measures to what extent the bank is employing its traditional resources (deposits + equity) in loans and financial investments.

The increase in the index indicates that the bank followed an expansionary policy in employing its resources.

The bank has invested EGP 71.73bn of its traditional resources, EGP 82.51 bn, by the end of 2022 into loans and financial investments, It invested EGP44.82bn into customer loans and EGP 26.91 bn into financial investments.

While the bank directed 54.80 bn of its traditional resources, which recorded 71.07 bn by the end of 2021 into total customer loans and financial investments, as invested EGP36.35bn into total loans and EGP18.45 bn into financial investments.

The bank's traditional resources at the end of 2022 were distributed between EGP 72.85bn into its deposit portfolio, and EGP 9.66 bn into shareholder’s Equity at the end of the same period.

Furthermore, EBank’s Loans to deposit ratio jumped to 61.52% at the end of 2022, compared to 56.46% at the end of 2021, while the financial investments to deposits ratio rose to 36.94% at the end 2022 compared to 28.66% at the same comparable period.

Despite the increase in the bank's employment index during 2022, the value of the index, which recorded 86.93%, remained lower than the sector average.