EBRD Board of Directors visits Egypt
First Bank

Representatives of the EBRD Board of Directors will visit Egypt from 25 February to 1 March 2024
The six-day visit is part of a regular series of consultations and will give shareholder representatives the opportunity to meet senior government officials and members of the business community, as well as representatives of international partners and civil-society organisations. The Directors will also visit private and public projects financed by the Bank across Egypt. The EBRD Board representatives will meet with the Prime Minister of Egypt, Mostafa Madbouly, the Minister of International Cooperation and EBRD Governor, Rania Al Mashat, the Minister of Electricity and Renewable, Mohamed Shaker, Energy and the Minister of Transport, Kamel Al Wazir, as well as the Governor of the Central bank of Egypt, Hassan Abdullah and the Governor of Alexandria, Mohamed El-Sherif.
Egypt is a founding member of the EBRD. Since the start of the Bank’s operations there in 2012, the EBRD has invested over €11 billion in 174 projects in the country. The EBRD’s areas of investment include the financial sector, agribusiness, manufacturing and services, as well as infrastructure projects such as power, municipal water and wastewater services, and contributions to the upgrade of transport services.