Commercial International Bank, leading private sector bank, embraced an expansionary policy in employing its r


CIB raises the rate of its resources employment to a record level within 6 months


Commercial International Bank, leading private sector bank, embraced an expansionary policy in employing its resources as the rate resources employment jumped to 87.72% at the end of the first half of 2022, compared to 81.46% at the end of 2021, an increase of 6.26%.

The resources employment indicator, launched by First Bank, measures to what extent the bank is employing its traditional resources (deposits + equity) in loans and financial investments.

The increase in the index indicates that the bank followed an expansionary policy in employing its resources.

Thus, the bank has invested EGP425.72 billion of its traditional resources, which amounted to EG p485.33 trillion by the end of June 2022 into loans and financial investments. It invested EGP190.15 billion into loans and 235.56 billion pounds into financial investments.

Yet, CIB has directed 376.04 billion pounds of its traditional resources, which recorded 468.95 billion pounds by the end of 2021 into loans and financial investments.

The bank's traditional resources at the end of June 2022 were distributed between EGP427.56 billion into its deposit portfolio, and EGP 57.77 billion into the value of equity at the end of the same period.

CIB’s Loans to deposit ratio jumped to 44.47% at the end of H1\2022, compared to 40.16% at the end of 2021, while the financial investments to deposits ratio rose to 55.10% at H1\2022 end compared to 52.44% at the same comparable period.

Despite the increase in the bank’s resources employment rate during the first half of 2022, it remained at 87.7 % which  is below the banking sector average.

resources employment rate in the banking sector  posted 91.1% at the end of June 2022, which indicates that the bank has recently moved towards implementing a more optimistic policy towards loans and financial investments, but it is still below the sector levels.