NBE’s total customer loans jump by 511%, exceeding EGP 2.73 tn in 5 years
Mai El-Kafoury

NBE managed to achieve record growth in its total customer loan portfolio over the last 5 years which jumped by 511%, reaching EGP 3.268 trillion by the end of June 2024, compared to EGP 534.99 bn by the end of December 2018, with an increase of EGP 2.733 bn.
Tracking its journey over the period under analysis, the portfolio's highest growth rate in 2022 is 47.53% and an increase of EGP 557.188 bn on an annual basis, reaching EGP 1.729 trillion by the end of 2022, compared to 1.172 trillion by the end of December 2021.
The second-highest growth rate in the portfolio came in 2023, at 39.18% year-on-year, after the bank's total customer loans jumped by EGP 677.511 bn, registering EGP 2.407 bn by the end of last year, compared to EGP 1.729 trillion by the end of December 2022.
As for the growth of the portfolio during the year, it jumped by 35.78% and an increase of EGP 861.106 bn during the first half of 2024, reaching EGP 3.268 trillion by the end of June, compared to EGP 2.407 trillion by the end of December 2023.
Overall, the total asset portfolio rose to EGP 6.80 trillion by the end of June 2024, compared to 5.23 trillion in December 2023, with a growth rate of 29.92% and an increase of EGP 1.57 trillion during the first half of this year.
The volume of the Bank's deposit portfolio rose by 15.19% and an increase of EGP 567 bn during the first half of this year, reaching EGP 4.30 trillion by the end of June 2024, compared to 3.73 trillion by the end of December 2023
The size of the large corporate loan portfolio jumped by 44% during the first half of this year, reaching EGP 2.777 trillion by the end of June 2024, compared to 1.956 trillion in December 2023, with an increase of EGP 821 bn.
The size of the Bank's retail loan portfolio also increased by 9.93% during the first half of this year, reaching EGP 321 bn by the end of June 2024, compared to 292 bn by the end of December 2023.
The SME loans portfolio increased by 8.28% and an increase of EGP 13 bn during the first half of this year, reaching EGP 170 bn by the end of June 2024, compared to 157 bn by the end of December 2023