The financial statement of the Central Bank of Egypt, ending last April, revealed 22.40% growth in the total a

CBE,Central Bank of Egypt,financial statement,CBE's assets

CBE's assets grow by 22.4%, reaching EGP5.92tn during 4M-2024

CBE  FirstBank

The financial statement of the Central Bank of Egypt, ending last April, revealed 22.40% growth in the total assets of CBE during the first 4 months of the current year, reaching EGP5.917 tn by the end of April 2024, compared to EGP 4.834 tn by the end of December 2023, with an increase of EGP725.65bn.

Gold reserves increased by 72.34%, totaling EGP448.43bn by the end of April 2024, compared to EGP260.2 bn by the end of December 2023, with an increase of EGP188.2bn.

CBE's balances with commercial banks surged by 69.91%, reaching approximately EGP876.6bn by the end of April 2024, compared to EGP360.7bn by the end of December 2023.

Regarding the contributions of CBE to the capital of international financial institutions, its contributions increased from EGP21.8bn by the end of December 2023 to EGP22.64 bn by the end of April 2024, growing by 3.86% during the first 4 months of this year.

Additionally, CBE's contributions to the capital of affiliated and sister companies increased by 4% during the first 4 months of this year, totaling EGP 49.71bn by the end of April 2024, compared to EGP47.8bn by the end of December 2023.