NBE has launched a new version of mobile banking units called Midi bus, which is a new model of mobile banki

NBE,mobile banking units

NBE launches new version of mobile banking units


NBE has launched a new version of mobile banking units called "Midi bus", which is a new model of mobile banking units implemented for the first time in the Egyptian banking sector and the Middle East.

The total number of NBE mobile banking units on wheels has reached five in addition to the mobile banking unit launched in early 2021.

This completes the role of the National Bank of Egypt in implementing financial inclusion, as part of Egypt and Central Bank's plans to access banking services to various regions and citizens, especially those not covered by banking services, in an adequate manner and to raise the banking awareness of citizens throughout Egypt.

Hisham Okasha, Chairman of the National Bank of Egypt, said that the new model of mobile banking units that are on wheels is the first of its kind in the Middle East, which completes the mobile unit launched in early 2021 in the new administrative capital in order to serve its employees until the opening of the first branches of the banking sector, which NBE opened in the government district in 2022.

This confirms NBE's desire to support the plans of Egypt and keep pace with  the urban spread movement.