USD Dollar rose to a new record high against the EGP at major Egyptian bank in the middle of todays transactio

Foreign exchange rate,US Dollar vs EGP

USD Dollar keeps rising against EGP at Mid-day trading recording EGP 26.60 for selling


USD Dollar rose to a new record high against the EGP at major Egyptian bank in the middle of today’s transactions.

 The highest selling price for the USD dollar rose to EGP 26.50 while the buying price rose to EGP 26.60 at Al Mashreq after its relative stability over the last period.

The USD dollar rate in the National Bank of Egypt and Banque Misr reached EGP26.25 for buying and EGP26.30 for selling during today's trading.

The USD dollar rate in Faisal Islamic Bank also recorded EGP26.35 for buying and EGP 26.45 for selling during today's trading.

In addition, the USD dollar rate rose in aiBank to reach the level of EGP 26.51 for buying and EGP 26.55 pounds for selling when compared to the beginning of today’s transactions.

However, the USD dollar price rose in ABK- Egypt to reach EGP26.25 for buying and 26.30 for selling. At Saib Bank, the USD dollar rate rose to EGP26.20 for buying, and EGP26.30 pounds for selling.